Retirement Planning

Planning for retirement is not just for people looking to retire in 1-5 years.

At Atlas Financial Wealth, we outline to people the importance of planning for their retirement throughout their entire working life.

“Failing to plan, is planning to fail”.

This is a saying many of us have heard before. But never truer than when it comes to our retirement.

When it comes to retirement, most people think ‘superannuation’. But how much does the average person know when it comes to superannuation? In Australia, superannuation can be confusing and complex. Sometimes you may not know where your funds are invested, when or how to access your superannuation funds, what the rules are, and how they apply to you.


Atlas Financial Wealth and its partners and associates aim to provide a seamless and comprehensive service to our clients as we explain and help you navigate your retirement future.

Along with our partners and associates, Atlas Financial Wealth aims to provide a seamless and comprehensive service to our clients as we explain and help you navigate your retirement future, including providing up-to-date advice on your superannuation and retirement to ensure you are giving yourself the best possible chance of financial security.

Atlas Financial Wealth and its partners and associates can help you

  • Establish a new super fund
  • Consolidate multiple existing super accounts into one
  • Establish your own Self Managed Super Fund
  • Advise you on how you could purchase property investments with your super
  • Manage your superannuation investments to maximise growth
  • Review your existing superannuation accounts and performance



Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF) are created and designed to help you grow investments for a financially stable and comfortable retirement. Unlike industry super funds, an SMSF is a ‘do-it-yourself’ super where you are in control of your own money and investment strategies and, by extension, your own destiny and financial stability.

There are many benefits and reasons for an SMSF and these include;

  • Wanting to take greater control of your super investment portfolio
  • Having the flexibility and choice to make changes to your super funds with respect to market movements and changes
  • Wanting to invest in assets that traditional super does not give you access to
  • Investing your super funds into real estate

Some more recent reasons people have been turning to and creating their own SMSF is that it allows you to directly buy property through your own fund. There are many aspects to consider with an SMSF but if set up correctly, an SMSF property can be very rewarding in the long-term and can have extremely beneficial outcomes in relation to capital gains tax and taxation of investment income for your retirement years.

A dedicated team

You will receive guidance that is clear, understandable and will help you achieve your short, medium and long term goals to help you receive financial freedom and independence.

How can we help?

Practical financial solutions whether it be related to a property purchase, setting up an investment portfolio or just taking stock of where you’re at with your home loan.